
Clint Tauscher is damn good. He's been damn good in lots of things. You should hire him, so that he can make your project damn good by being damn good in it, dammit.


Clint Tauscher is represented exclusively by

             (818) 995-6500

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“Thanks for making my project so special.”

— That one guy Clint worked with
“...The best eye-roll in the business.”

— A woman who hired Clint for another thing
“Seriously, I can't afford not to do my best. I'm trying to keep my insurance.”

— Clint Tauscher


Once this website has Hollywood beating down my door, I'll send you info on my latest projects. And no, I'm not gonna spam you. I don't have that kind of time.

Copyright 2020 ClintCo, a company that tortally exists, for all you know.